Haryana Trade License Under Section 330, 331, 335, 336 Of Haryana Municipal Corporation act 1994

All information about Haryana Trade License

What is a Trade License?

The Trade License Haryana ensures that how the business is being carried out is by the relevant rules, standards and safety guidelines. Therefore in the general interest of the citizens, a trade business must have a Trade license. The Trade License is a certificate/ document which grants user the permission to carry on a particular trade or business for which it is issued. It does not shows the ownership of property or permission for any other activity than for which it is issued.

Basic Information for obtaining Business License

Section 330 : Factory, etc. not to be established without permission of Commissioner.

1) No person shall, without the previous permission in writing of the Commissioner, establish in any premises, or materially alter, enlarge or extend , any factory, workshop or trade premises, in which it is intended to employ steam, electricity, water or other mechanical power.

2)The Commissioner may refuse to give such permission, if he is of the opinion that the establishment, alteration, enlargement or extension of such factory, workshop or trade premises, in the proposed position would be objectionable by reason of the density of the population in the neighborhood thereof, or would be a nuisance to the inhabitants of the neighborhood.

Section 331: Premises not be used for certain purposes without Trade

Sr. No Document Description Mannual / Attachment Mandatory / Optional Type Of SoftCopy Remarks
1 Document of Actual turnover of Previous financial Year Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Applicable for section 330 only
2 NOC from Fire Dept. Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
3 Firm Registration No Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
4 Property tax Receipt (G-8) Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
5 Letter Of Sanctioned Building plan / Occupation Certified Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
6 Rent / Lease / agreement / Ownership proof Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
7 License Fees Attachment Optional File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
8 Photograph of Applicant / Authorised Signatory Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in .jpg, .jpeg, .png format. 2 copies of photograph to be brought at the time of physical verification.
9 Copy of the Previous License (if already granted) Attachment Optional File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.In case of Renewal Only

1) No person shall use or permit to be used any premises for any of the following purposes without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a license granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, namely:-

(a) any of the purposes specified in PART – I of the Second Schedule;

(b) any purpose which is, in the opinion of the Commissioner; dangerous to life, health or property or likely or create a nuisance;

(c) Keeping horses, cattle or other quadruped animals or birds for transportation, sale or hire or for sale of the produce thereof; or

(d) Storing any of the articles specified in Part – II of the Second Schedule except for domestic use of those articles:

Provided that Corporation may declare that premises in which the aggregate quantity of articles stored for sale does not exceed such quantity as may be prescribed by bye-laws in respect of any such articles, shall be exempted from the operation of clause (d).

(2) In prescribing the terms of a license granted under this section for the use of premises as mills or iron yards or for similar purposes the Commissioner may, when he thinks fit, require the license to provide a space or passage within the premises for carts for loading and unloading purposes.

(3) The Corporation shall fix a scale of fees to be paid in respect of premises licensed under sub-section (1):

Section 335 : Eating houses, etc. not to be used without license from Commissioner. –

(1) No person shall, without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a license granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, keep any eating house, loading house, hotel, boarding house, tea shop, coffee house, cafe, restaurant, refreshing room or any place where the public are admitted for repose or for the consumption of any food or drink or any place where food is sold or prepared for sale.

(2) The Commissioner may at any time cancel or suspend any license granted under sub-section (1) if he is of opinion that the premises covered thereby are not kept in conformity with the conditions of such license or with the provisions of any bye-laws made in this behalf.

Section 336: Licensing and control of theatre, circuses and places of public amusement.

No person shall without or otherwise than in conformity with the terms of a license granted by the Commissioner in this behalf, keep open any theatre, circus, cinema house, dancing hall or other similar place of public resort, recreation or amusement:

Provide that nothing in this section apply to private performances in any such place.

Fee Details for Trade License

Municipal Corporation have the power to levy the fee for the licensing and it is according to the Trade license slab rate.

How to Apply for Trade License Haryana

Trade license can be applied through Online Portal OR CSC Centre/Saral Kendra

Apply through CSC Centre/Saral Kendra.

  1. Applicants give details to CSC/Saral Kendra operator to fill online application to apply for trade license along with required scanned copy of documents. List of documents required is mentioned above.
  2. The application submitted will go to the login ID of Department’s Verifier and he/she will check the application and documents.
  3. If application/documents are found correct, then verifier define the fees, the same will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email to initiate the online payment at https://online.ulbharyana.gov.in/.
  4. If any discrepancy is found in the application/documents, the discrepancy will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email.
  5. The applicant will revert to observation and submit the requisite
  6. Verifier will check the resubmitted application/documents. If application/documents are found correct, then verifier define the fees, the same will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email to initiate the online payment at https://online.ulbharyana.gov.in/.
  7. After the payment, Verifier will forward to Approver with his/her comments for approval/rejection.
  8. Approver will check the application/documents and fees and finally approve
  9. After approval, the Trade License will be issued online to the applicant.

Apply online (Antyodaya-Saral Portal (saralharyana.gov.in)

  1. The applicant shall create a login ID for submitting online application at saralharyana.gov.in along with required scanned copy of documents. List of documents as mentioned above.
  2. The online application submitted will go to the login ID of department’s Verifier and he/she will check the application and documents.
  3. If application/documents are found correct, then verifier define the fees, the same will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email to initiate the online payment at https://online.ulbharyana.gov.in/.
  4. If any discrepancy is found in the application/documents, the discrepancy will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email.
  5. The applicant will revert to observation and submit the requisite information within 15 days failing which the application shall be liable to be
  6. Verifier will check the resubmitted application/documents, if application/documents are found correct, then verifier define the fees, the same will be intimated to the applicant via SMS/email to initiate the online payment at https://online.ulbharyana.gov.in/.
  7. Verifier will check the resubmitted application/documents and fees, then forward the same to Approver with his/her comments for approval/rejection.
  8. Approver will check the application/documents and fees and finally approve it if found
  9. After approval, the Trade License will be issued online to the applicant.

Some Important Points regarding Trade License Haryana

i) You will abide by all rules & regulation/ guidelines time to time issued by Government.
ii) And the said License is subject to the other conditions specified overleaf.
iii)Every License issued by the Municipal Corporation, Faridabad under section 330/331 of the Municipal Corporation Act-1994, shall be subject to the following conditions also:-

a) License shall at all reasonable time permit any member, Officer of MCF authorized in this behalf to inspect the license premises without notice.
b) License shall always keep at the licensed premises the license issued by the Officer of this Corporation authorized by the Administration.
c) License shall make adequate arrangements to the satisfaction of the officer of this Corporation for the extinction of any out break of fire.
d) License shall at all time keep the license premises in a clean and sanitary condition and shall provide them with adequate ventilation, suitable drains, latrines, urinals and other sanitary convenience for the workmen employed therein.
e) That the license shall not allow any affluent or tide waste, to be discharged or passed out from his premises into public drains severs, or streets without their proper treatment to the satisfaction of the Administration in either case.
f) That the licensee shall not permit any work to be carried on at the licensed premises which gives rise to offensive notice between 8 O’clock at night and 6 O’ Clock in the morning unless he has been specially authorized in this behalf.
g) That the premises where oil engines are used, kerosene oil, petroleum and other inflammable material shall be kept in a separate room which shall not be contiguous to the machines/engine rooms.
h) That the license shall store in a suitable room or rooms which shall be used for another purpose and all drain or pulse received for milling by powder supplied by the oil engine/machines and all flour products by milling so long as it remains on his premises shall be damp proof.
i) That the licensee shall adopt the best practicable means to the satisfaction of this Corporation/Administration for rendering innocuous oil gases effluvia or vapors emitted by the engine/machines during the process of working and shall in every gas cause such gases effluvia or vapors to e discharged into the external air in such manner and at such a height as to admit of proper diffusion of those gases to pass from the exhaust pipe (or other outlet to such gases) through fire or into a condensing apparatus and then through fire in such a manner as to consume effectually such gases as to deprive the same of all anxious or injurious properties
j) That the premises where smoke arise through the use of coal in the furnace or any other place in the engine house/machine, the licensee shall use such apparatus that will as practicable, consume the smoke arising from the engine/machine or the furnace.
k) That for a breach of any of these conditions the license may be suspended or revoked by an order of the Administration.

Documents required for Trade License

Sr. No Document Description Mannual / Attachment Mandatory / Optional Type Of SoftCopy Remarks
1 Document of Actual turnover of Previous financial Year Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Applicable for section 330 only
2 NOC from Fire Dept. Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
3 Firm Registration No Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
4 Property tax Receipt (G-8) Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
5 Letter Of Sanctioned Building plan / Occupation Certified Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
6 Rent / Lease / agreement / Ownership proof Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
7 License Fees Attachment Optional File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.
8 Photograph of Applicant / Authorised Signatory Attachment Mandatory File size not more than 200 KB in .jpg, .jpeg, .png format. 2 copies of photograph to be brought at the time of physical verification.
9 Copy of the Previous License (if already granted) Attachment Optional File size not more than 200 KB in pdf format. Original copy to be brought at the time of physical verification.In case of Renewal Only


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